John Williams writes:

*What doesn't work*  I thought the next step would be to execute
dovecot-lda manually (as is suggested on the wiki and in numerous
newsgroup posts), but I can't figure out how to do this. When I execute
it as root and provide my non-root username via the -u option, it
hangs.  I can see that it spawns a child process that executes as the
non-root user (specified with the -u option).  So, could someone tell
how to execute dovecot-lda manually please?

Maybe use "-d"?

I had no trouble invoking

        dovecot-lda -c config-file -d user < mailfile

If it doesn't work for you, I suggest process tracing it.

Also, when does LMTP process messages?  When sending mail via SMTP, or
when reading mail via IMAP?  I would prefer to use LMTP rather than

The former.

Joseph Tam <>

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