You wrote:

> On 18 Aug 2013, at 19:46 , Benny Pedersen <> wrote:
> > LuKreme skrev den 2013-08-19 01:53:
> > 
> > > Since I've switched to dovecot, is there a way to mark a message on
> > > delivery as read or not new or seen?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > it just require sieve
> On 19 Aug 2013, at 01:45 , Robert Schetterer <> wrote:
> > # File messages from a mailing list I never get round to reading, # and
> > mark them as read so I don't feel guilty. if header :contains ["From"]
> > "" {
> >    setflag "\\Seen";
> >    fileinto "FolderName/MailboxName";
> >    stop;
> > }
> I am assuming that sieve acts as a LDA like procmail, so it's an
> either/or? I have a *lot* of procmail recipes I've written over the last
> 20 years or so.

Not nesessarily, you can make procmail hand over the message to dovecot-lda
if you like:

Something lik this:


        * ^X-RSS-Feed: .*rss2email
        | $DELIVER -m System.rss2email/

works flawless.

This example is af course very symplified, I still use a nice procmail
script to filter uot all my maillists befor handing over the rest to

Roel Wagenaar,

Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter;

Antw.: Omdat het de volgorde verstoord waarin mensen tekst lezen.
Vraag: Waarom is top-posting een slechte gewoonte?
Antw.: Top-posting.
Vraag: Wat is het meest ergerlijke in e-mail?

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

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