Maybe you can find a way in this direction

all the best

On 28.08.2013, at 09:14, Marco Fretz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 08/28/2013 09:08 AM, wrote:
>> Hi Marco
>> when running dovecot -a you will find
>> auth_*
>> I think you could you auth_verbose_passwords to fit your needs.
> thanks. I've already tried this, but it doesn't log the password on
> successful logins, only when there is password missmatch:
> from the conf / manual:
> "
> # In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid
> values are
> # no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute force password
> # attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over and over again.
> #auth_verbose_passwords = no
> "
> any other ideas? :)
>> all the best
>> On 28.08.2013, at 08:57, Marco Fretz wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I want to use dovecot as a IMAP and POP3 proxy in front of our current
>> E-Mail hosting server to log the plain text passwords of all successful
>> logins for migration reasons. Actually I don't need the password to see
>> in plain text, storing them as SHA256-CRYPT (or something dovecot can
>> use later for auth) hash in a file or DB would be fine, too.
>> I need this for the migration from the current mail server (using
>> proprietary hashing to store passwords) to a new postfix / dovecot base
>> mail system.
>> I played around with "auth_debug_passwords" and all debug / logging
>> options I found in the manual. Nothing logs successful login plaintext
>> passwords.
>> Any hint welcome.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Marco
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> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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> =C9DH

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