
I'm having some weird problem with (probably) mailbox_list_index, 
that it doesn't see new mail in mailboxes.
I'm using 2.2.4 over imap and ssh/imap, and after a while dovecot
stops noticing new mail in some folders. Its always the same 2-3
folders of about 30.
I read something about list-index corruption in 2.2.2, and i thought
it was that i was running into earlier, but this problem still occurs.

This is dovecot 2.2.4, running on Solaris 10 x86_64 to homedirs on zfs,
where procmail is used to deliver mail to mailboxes in mbox-format.

I've tried to purge all indexes and let dovecot rebuild them, but the
problem reoccurs after a couple of days.

How can i help to debug this issue? Should i grab dovecot.list.index
when its out-of-sync for debugging?


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604

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