
        I'm using dovecot 2.1.16 with SiS configured as:

mail_attachment_dir = <mypath>
mail_attachment_min_size = 128 k
mail_attachment_fs = sis posix
mail_attachment_hash = %{sha1}

        I'm having a few errors like:

Sep 18 15:46:32 myotis51 dovecot: imap(igd): Error: Attachment file /mail/users/attachments/16/b0/16b0b2023a903db14d7f7bcdb1cc04c3f67a4fcb-b32c0a2aa6ae39527c870000a9061514 larger than expected (235866)

They are really few and users haven't reported any problem, but the errors are there.

        In this case, actual file size of the attachment is:

amateo_adm@myotis51:~$ sudo stat /mail/users/attachments/16/b0/16b0b2023a903db14d7f7bcdb1cc04c3f67a4fcb-b32c0a2aa6ae39527c870000a9061514 Fichero: «/mail/users/attachments/16/b0/16b0b2023a903db14d7f7bcdb1cc04c3f67a4fcb-b32c0a2aa6ae39527c870000a9061514»
  Tamaño: 174476        Bloques: 344        Bloque E/S: 4096   fichero regular
Dispositivo: fc00h/64512d       Nodo-i: 152334473   Enlaces: 2
Acceso: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 2012/   vmail)   Gid: (  204/   vmail)
Acceso: 2013-09-18 15:46:20.540728654 +0200
Modificación: 2013-09-18 15:46:20.556728948 +0200
      Cambio: 2013-09-18 15:46:20.556728949 +0200
    Creación: -

        and file is identified as:

amateo_adm@myotis51:~$ sudo file /mail/users/attachments/16/b0/16b0b2023a903db14d7f7bcdb1cc04c3f67a4fcb-b32c0a2aa6ae39527c870000a9061514 /mail/users/attachments/16/b0/16b0b2023a903db14d7f7bcdb1cc04c3f67a4fcb-b32c0a2aa6ae39527c870000a9061514: MIME entity, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators

        Any idea?

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868889150
Fax: 868888337

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