I forgot to add … (Doh) … My Dovecot version is 2.1.7.  Thanks.

~ Laz Peterson
Paravis Business Networks
Ph: 909.660.5100

On Oct 2, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Laz Peterson <l...@paravis.net> wrote:

> Hi there Dovecot community --
> I'll try to make this short.  Here's the setup … Ubuntu 12.04, Postfix, 
> Dovecot, along with Amavis/Clamd/Spamassassin.  Postfix is currently 
> receiving emails for virtual users in multiple domains, all of which are 
> authenticating through Winbind to Windows AD servers.  The users log in to 
> the POP/IMAP/SMTP services using the format u...@domain.corp (the internal 
> domain, not the external mail domain).  The domains are all in the same 
> forest, but there are many different domains to authenticate against.
> Dovecot is currently handling POP, IMAP, and authentication.  Postfix uses a 
> MySQL database to map the external email domain to the internal AD domain, 
> for example domain.com -> domain.corp.  Postfix also queries the same SQL 
> database for where to save the messages -- /home/vmail/domain\user -- I have 
> the SQL query strip off the ".corp".  I had to do this because pam_winbind 
> returns the usernames as "DOMAIN\user" upon successful Dovecot 
> authentication, instead of "u...@domain.corp", which ends up invalidating all 
> of the %u, %n, and %d variables.  On the user side, after successful auth, I 
> can only define %u and %n in my Dovecot configuration -- %d is null, %u is 
> "DOMAIN\user", and %n is "DOMAIN\user".  (I use %Lu or %Ln to make it all 
> lower-case.)
> With this, I am able to authenticate users off of multiple domains, have the 
> mail delivered to a folder that is also accessible to the user when they log 
> in.  It serves its purpose.
> Here's my problem.  I am trying to now integrate Pigeonhole and ManageSieve 
> using Dovecot-LDA specified by "virtual_transport", and this is where things 
> get confusing.  Dovecot IMAP/POP/SMTP auth notes the user account to be 
> "DOMAIN\user", while Dovecot-LDA receives the email to u...@domain.com, 
> noting the user account to be "u...@domain.corp".  The same arguments for 
> userdb in "auth-system.conf.ext" are used by both Dovecot when user is 
> logging in for IMAP/POP/SMTP and Dovecot-LDA when it is storing the mail.  
> Because of the way pam_winbind returns the usernames without being able to 
> use %d anymore, I cannot seem to get the same behavior for both sides of 
> Dovecot.
> For example, if I set home and maildir to "/home/vmail/%Ln", Dovecot-LDA 
> delivers emails into the folder "/home/vmail/u...@domain.corp" and Dovecot 
> IMAP/POP looks in "/home/vmail/domain\user".  If I set the home/maildir to 
> "/home/vmail/%Ld/%Lu", Dovecot-LDA delivers emails into the folder 
> "/home/vmail/domain.corp/user" and Dovecot IMAP/POP looks in 
> "/home/vmail/\/domain\user".  So, I seem to be thoroughly unable to get 
> something here that works … The closest I can get is setting home/maildir to 
> "/home/vmail/%Ld\%Lu", but that now gives the LDA side 
> "/home/vmail/domain.corp\user" and the IMAP/POP/SMTP side 
> "/home/vmail/\\domain\user".
> If I am able to get pam_winbind to return "u...@domain.corp" instead of 
> "DOMAIN\user", I'd be fine.  Or, if I could set the home and maildir 
> locations separately for Dovecot-LDA and Dovecot, I would also be okay.
> Any suggestions?  I know this is probably a Winbind limitation, but I do not 
> know a thing about working with PAM authentication.  I tried to compile and 
> install a pam_regex module (which seems to not be offered as a native package 
> in Ubuntu), but it gives errors after adding that to my PAM configuration.  
> I'm stumped.
> Please let me know if I can include my configuration for either Postfix or 
> Dovecot.
> Thank you so much for any help.
> ~ Laz Peterson

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