I am lost as to what I am missing.  I am setting up dovecot 2.0.9 on a RHEL
6.4 machine as provided by my provider.  I have IMAP up and running, and I
have POP3 up and running.  Testing confirms this.  Also, if it makes a
difference, I enabled dovecot as my LDA.  Sendmail was setup as well due to
our 1.x version using it and I though I had to.  Anyway, everything is
working perfectly with the services, except the mail is sending to the
wrong location for POP.  I am trying to use Maildir for both services, but
it keeps delivering the POP3 mail to /var/spool/mail/u% instead of to
Maildir as specified in the configuration files.  I have rechecked every
setting at least twice and still can't see what I am doing wrong.  I
suppose I can use mbox and redirect after making the appropriate namespace
changes, but that has it's own potential drawbacks and seems more like a
kludge than the correct way around this (unless I misunderstand how it
should work).  Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to fix

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Higgins

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