On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Martin Rabl <martin.r...@rablnet.de> wrote:
> Hm. Ok.
> Am 11.10.2013 16:44, schrieb Mauricio Tavares:
>> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Martin Rabl <martin.r...@rablnet.de>
>> wrote:
>>>    fileinto :create "INBOX.Spam";
>>        Even though .Spam already exists in the user's mailbox?
>> doveadm mailbox status -u b...@domain.com messages INBOX.Spam
>> INBOX.Spam messages=92283
>>>> namespace inbox {
>>>>     inbox = yes
>>>>     location =
>>>>     prefix = INBOX.
>>>>     separator =.
>>>>     type = private
>>>> }
> Yep, try it - if the folder is there, it will happen nothing.
> I think, there is a namespace problem, and maybe the spamfolder is located
> unter INBOX.INBOX.Spam (just an idea).
> I think, sieve will create a folder, where it assumes there is one.
> It's just a little experimental ... ;-)
> Greetings,
>   Martin

Interesting: now it reports that it put the spam in its proper place:

Oct 11 11:02:27 mail dovecot: lda(b...@domain.com): sieve:
msgid=<6563.377.5164.515...@pickedit.us> : stored mail into mailbox

And, it created INBOX.Spam:

drwxr-x---  5 virtual virtual    4096 Oct 11 11:02 .INBOX.Spam
drwxr-x---  5 virtual virtual    4096 Oct 11 01:52 .Spam

So, let's drop INBOX altogether

  fileinto :create "Spam";

and see what kind of mess we can come up with, right? =)

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