Steve Downes <> writes:

When I open a local mutt I get the following:-
1) could not connect to vmail-s  (connection refused) (vmail-s is the
mailserver host)

Full stop, anything past here and you're debugging noise.

You've configured out SSL/TLS on dovecot ...

# disable ssl for now
ssl = no

... but your Mutt configuration has ...

set spoolfile=imaps://steve@vmail-s/

... and your debug logs state ...

[2013-10-31 14:35:23] Reading imaps://steve@vmail-s/...
[2013-10-31 14:35:23] Looking up vmail-s...
[2013-10-31 14:35:23] Connecting to vmail-s...
[2013-10-31 14:35:23] Connection failed. errno: 111...
[2013-10-31 14:35:23] Could not connect to vmail-s (Connection
[2013-10-31 14:35:25] Connected to vmail-s:993 on fd=-1

You configured dovecot to accept only plain IMAP (on port 143), but
your mail reader is configured to connect to an IMAP/SSL service
(port 993).

Maybe it will start working if you configure Mutt

        set spoolfile=imap://steve@vmail-s/

(Just guessing -- I don't use Mutt.)

Joseph Tam <>

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