Thomas Leuxner skrev den 2013-11-19 08:35:
Is there more detail needed to finally solve this? The temporary fails
caused by LMTP not reaching the 'RCPT TO' stage get pretty annoying in
the light of backscatter hitting the server:

Nov 19 08:16:09 spectre postfix/smtpd[21386]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
from[]: 450
4.1.1 <>: Recipient
address rejected: unverified address: lost connection with[private/dovecot-lmtp] while sending MAIL FROM;
to=<> proto=ESMTP

To reproduce simply add 'reject_unverified_recipient' to

is dovecot knowing all alias addresses ?, with dovecot-lda its done in postfix before delivering to dovecot-lda, so if the recipient here is a valid mailbox it should work, but i think dovecot needs alias support to be used same way as postfix does

when it works it would be a dream, seems we are not there yet

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