On Thu Nov 21 08:56:39 2013, Robert Schetterer wrote:

> may off topic , but you may manage spam learn  ham/spam for users
> another way too, they only need simply forward mail, i use it like
> that way ,since years, it also works with sieve rules.

The problem: Users don't (at least ours). If they need a mail, they pull
it out of the spam folder, and they use the "Junk" button in their
client, but they can't be bothered to do more. And the antispam plugin
is the only halfway effective way to automate this for all clients.

Hint: We make the plugin send a mail and process it later.
Jost Krieger
| jost.krieger+...@ruhr-uni-bochum.de  Please help stamp out spam! |
| Postmaster, JAPH, resident answer machine    at RUB Comp. Center |
| Sincere words are not sweet, sweet words are not sincere.        |
|                                          Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |

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