On 22.11.2013, at 0.24, Andrew Obertas <and...@infinet.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I know it is possible to lock down a master user to only have access to 
> certain domains through SQL login but I was wondering if the same was 
> possible with a passwd-based system. I currently have a master-passwd file 
> residing in the /etc/virtual/domain.com/ directories I want the master user 
> to be able to log in to. Is there a way to tell passdb to only allow the 
> master user login to proceed if they can auth to the master-passwd file in 
> the same folder as the user? Alternatively, is there a better way to go about 
> this?
> What I assumed would be the easy approach, where the domain from the user's 
> e-mail is fetched, doesn't seem to work as %d fetches the master user's 
> domain and, unless I'm doing something wrong, the login_domain variable 
> cannot be used as this is outside Dovecot-auth.

What do you mean outside Dovecot-auth? Master user login is done in auth 
process. %{login_domain} should work I think..

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