
>>> Dec 16 17:21:55 imap(roessner@****): Error: 
>>> stat(/srv/mail/virtual/*****/roessner/.dovecot.sieve/tmp) failed: Not a 
>>> directory
>> This is why it's not a good idea to use home as the Maildir root directory. 
>> You can work around this by setting maildir_stat_dirs=yes (minor performance 
>> hit). A bigger problem comes if a user creates a "dovecot/sieve" folder.
> I fully agree. The mailboxes are historical from an old Courier-IMAP server. 
> Maybe more than 5 years ago. I switched to Dovecot in the past.
> Probably I will write a little script and rearrange the directory structure.

Solved! 15.000 lines bash script and now I have a perfect clean directory 
structure and all problems are gone

Happy holidays

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