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On Thu, 30 Jan 2014, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 30.01.2014 12:04, schrieb Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz:
On Thursday 30 of January 2014, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 30.01.2014 10:50, schrieb Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz:
mail_log_events is nice addition but how to log who exactly triggered
particular event? For example 5 users from 5 IP addresses uses single
imap user/mailbox.

One of them deletes email and I'm logging delete related events. The only
logged thing is:

dovecot: imap(user): delete: box=INBOX, uid=673287, msgid=<some@thing>,

which tells me nothing about who triggered it actually (note all 5 users
were logged in at deletion time)

How to solve this problem?

do not share user-logins

I'm not sharing. Customers are.

don't do that for any service, not only mail

That impossible to make.

Customer creates login "abc" on my server and gives it to 10 employees to
watch that mailbox.

10 employees log in to that single accound and do some actions. One of them is
"bad" and deletes important mail. I want to be able to figure which one.

I have no control over customers. Also I see no sensible reason to disallow
such work style

than your answer to them is simply "i can't tell who did what" as long
they insist on that work style - how is that your problem?


@Arkadiusz, please tell us, if 10 people use the same account name and password, how would you as a server behind the internet with a human brain differ those 10 individuals?

The only idea I, personally, have is the IP address: Do they connect from different IP addresses _all_ the time? No NAT involved? Do you know who uses which IP address _all_ the time? If so, Dovecot logs the IP address during login and you can associate a PID with an IP address, IMHO you can add the remote IP address to the log string. Check out the variables page in the Wiki.

But, frankly, _if_ you have someone, who is >>"bad" and deletes important mail<<, you should see >>sensible reason to disallow such work style<<. The next time you see yet another IP address and don't know the user again.

- -- Steffen Kaiser
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