
I am doing a mass migration of users from Cyrus imap on a solaris server to dovecot 1:2.2.9-1ubuntu1 and am getting this weird issue with dsync if I try to do a "full" sync. Debug output below:

dsync(u...@example.com): Error: Mailbox INBOX: Save commit failed: Mailbox was deleted under us dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain M: out box 'INBOX' recv_state=recv_last_common send_state=done changed=1
dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain M: out state=sync_mails changed=1
dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain S: in state=sync_mails
dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain S: in box 'INBOX' recv_state=recv_last_common send_state=done dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain S: out box 'INBOX' recv_state=recv_last_common send_state=done changed=0
dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: brain S: out state=sync_mails changed=0
dsync(u...@example.com): Debug: imapc( Disconnected
[2]+ Killed /usr/bin/dsync -v -o mail_fsync=never backup -R -f -u u...@example.com imapc:

(I changed the domain / ip here of course)

I notice that it does the IMAP sync for a while and then shows connecting info for pop3 (I have configuration for both imap and pop). The user in question has never connected with POP.

imap migration config:

imapc_host =
imapc_user = %u
imapc_master_user = cyrusadmin
imapc_password = blahblahblahpasswordhere
imapc_features = rfc822.size
imapc_features = $imapc_features #fetch-headers
mail_prefetch_count = 20

pop configuration:

pop3c_host = pop.example.com
pop3c_user = %u
pop3c_master_user = cyrusadmin
pop3c_password = blahblahblahpasswordhere

namespace {
  prefix = POP3-MIGRATION-NS/
  location = pop3c:
  list = no
  hidden = yes
protocol doveadm {
  mail_plugins = $mail_plugins pop3_migration
plugin {
  pop3_migration_mailbox = POP3-MIGRATION-NS/INBOX

Thanks in advance for any pointers on this!


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