On 05/02/2014 03:50, LuKreme wrote:
On 30 Jan 2014, at 11:50 , Tim Dickson <dickson....@googlemail.com> wrote:

I am trying to filter mail with .exe and .zip attachments, to no success.
Are you using postfix with dovecot?
I am, (standard slackware) but I will be moving to dovecot-lda so that I can use sieve and imap with maildirs instead of mbox.
  $ cat mime_headers.pcre
 REJECT Attachment name "$2" may not end with ".$3”
  $ grep mime main.cf
mime_header_checks = pcre:$config_directory/mime_headers.pcre

Very useful blocking filter, many thanks.
Does it generate backscatter.?
I have come across a number of spam emails which have more than one address in the from field. Would this filter send the spam to those addresses by way of a mail bounce.?

The main reason for the filtering is because our broadband data allowance was maxed out due to spam, malware spam and backscatter. I am having to move my mail server functionality off-site and filter it on a vps running slackware, dovecot and pigeonhole, before collecting it per mailbox via my internal server.

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