On 11/02/14 21:32, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 12.2.2014, at 2.27, Philipp Brüll <philippbru...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm creating a scrambler plugin, that adds an istream and an ostream to the 
stream-chain for the mail input/output. It works well until the zlib plugin is 
added to the configuration. The scrambler should run before the zlib and 
encrypt the mail before it's compressed. Since, the plugin is named 
lib18_scrambler_... (and the other lib20_zlib....), that works well when a mail 
is received.

When a mail is read via IMAP, the plugins should handle the mail in the reverse 
order. So first, the zlib should decompress it and afterwards the scrambler 
should decrypt it.

But it seems, that they work the other way around. The scrambler istream gets 
compressed data as input. It's hooked in the chain of istream as the 

In your previous mail you mentioned you're using v2.1.17. Have you tried with 
v2.2.10? I think this is already fixed (at least I've successfully used zlib + 
mail encryption plugin).

Thanks for the fast reply. Yes, I'm using v2.1.17. If this is a bug in 2.1, is there a workaround existing?

I'm already pushing the admin to upgrade to 2.2, but I don't know is this is happening soon ;-)

Kind regards,

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