On 13/02/14 22:43, Alan Chandler wrote:

I am trying to achieve the following functionality

"usera" can't login because his account is set non active. there is a deny query that checks this.

a master user ("masteruser") should be able login using "usera*masteruser" syntax to this disabled account

I just tried it with auth_debug set on, but the deny query is being run for usera, presumably because my master definition is

passdb {
  driver = sql
  master = yes
  args = /etc/dovecot/sqlite-master.conf

# Unless you're using PAM, you probably still want the destination user to
  # be looked up from passdb that it really exists. pass=yes does that.
  pass = yes

with pass=yes, and that causes usera to be validated through both the deny and accept phase of authorisation.

In the password_query defined in sqlite-master.conf I user '%u' to locate my master user. Is there any variable I could use to (in that query) to also check that "usera" exists? I could then remove the pass = yes, both to avoid two more queries and to avoid the trap that this account is locked out.

To answer my own question - I found the variable in the wiki in the end %{login_user}

At first it didn't work even then, because it was still trying to find stuff from the userdb, but when I added a userdb_uid (which was all it was looking for) it worked a treat.

To be more specific - my normal query to look up users is

 SELECT m.name AS user, u.password AS password, u.uid+10000 AS userdb_uid \
FROM mailaccount m INNER JOIN user u ON m.username = u.username \
            WHERE m.name = '%u'

(I have a common user who could have several mail accounts = they will be all in the virtual uid of the user, not his account.)

I took the master stanza above and removed the pass=yes

and changed the master query to be

SELECT u.password AS password,l.uid+10000 as userdb_uid FROM user u \
            INNER JOIN capability c ON u.username = c.username \
            ,mailaccount m JOIN user l ON m.username =l.username \
WHERE c.role = 'masteruser' and u.username = '%u' AND m.name = '%{login_user}'

and this seemed to work nicely.

Alan Chandler

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