Am 19.02.2014 17:33, schrieb Francesco:
> Hello everyone,
> i'm trying to mess up a bit with virtual folders and i'm trying to
> perform something like this:
> i'd like to create an IMAP virtual folder which shows me all the emails
> in in INBOX and subfolders but by removing "duplicates"
> what i mean as duplicates? simply i can recognize duplicate emails as
> the ones with the same message-id in the header (this was just an idea).
> in that way if i have a message which is present in more then one folder
> then it's displayed only once.
> i considered the idea of using message-id in the header as a criteria,
> but i don't know if this can be done in this way or in any way at all.
> any suggestion is really welcome.
> i'm using dovecot 1.2.15.
> this is a namespace example just for reference:
> for INBOX:
> namespace private {
>      separator = .
>      prefix = INBOX.
>      #subscriptions = yes
>      #list = no
>      inbox = yes
> }
> for virtuals:
> namespace private {
>   prefix = v.
>   separator = .
>   location = virtual:/var/utenti/%Ld/%n/VirtualFolders
>   list = yes
>   inbox = no
>   subscriptions = yes
>   hidden = no
> }
> as of now i'm running a virtualfolder which shows messages flagged as
> important which is done like this:
>   all flagged
> hope you can provide me with some hints.
> Thanks very much
> Francesco

not really the same but for pop3 cons which should "see" global sieve
prefiltered spam mails in Imap Junk Folder

sorry german ,but config might give you ideas how to solve your stuff

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
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Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Marc Schiffbauer
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