On 07/03/14 12:14, Paul Tansom wrote:
Anyway, as an aside to this, I've been amazed how effective greylisting has been - so much so a that on my server I've not got round to putting the full anti-spam configuration back in.

That is very interesting - I was running on a 256Mb Pi (the old model B) and it would have worked with only the milter-greylist package installed. When my wife expressed an interest in the old PI as an XBMC front end I splashed out on a replacement with 512Mb, and have added dkim, clamav and dspam checks as well (just got this working and antispam working). and I am using just over the 256Mb in a pretty static state (I am routing all my outgoing e-mails through it, but I have not yet switched over from my other e-mail server)

One question I would be very interested in - and can't find much about it is how long do you greylist these people for?

Basically I only greylist people who fail the spf checks at the moment (that is specifically those who explicitly fail the spf check and those that have an spf record with a +all at the end)

I greylist a softfail for 4 hours and a hard fail or open for 12, but I plucked these figures out of the air.


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