Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

I specified the following in my dovecot.conf.

passdb {
 args = /var/mail/%d/users
 driver = passwd-file

Attempts to use the configuration result in an authentication failure.
Here's an entry from dovecot.log when the failure happens:

Mar 31 16:04:12 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1
attempts in 5 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, secured, session=<n5/ajez1FgB/AAAB>

Just to confirm, your <user> specified in the passdb corresponds to what
is being authenticated (i.e. client is authenticating as "",
not "jeff")?  Otherwise, you'll need to add domains to your passdb,
or configure "username_format=%n"

Joseph Tam <>

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