On 03/31/2014 10:13 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
I'm trying to use virtual domains and I'm suffering a disconnect.

I have two domains - foo.com and bar.com. On the filesystem, they are
located at /var/mail/foo.com/ and /var/mail/bar.com/. Users are
located at /var/mail/foo.com/john/, /var/mail/bar.com/jane/, etc.

There are two password files with <user>:<scheme><password> entries.
The scheme is {PLAIN}. They are located at /var/mail/foo.com/users and
/var/mail/bar.com/users. According to the wiki, these are passwd-file
databases (http://wiki2.dovecot.org/AuthDatabase/PasswdFile).

I specified the following in my dovecot.conf.

passdb {
   args = /var/mail/%d/users
   driver = passwd-file

Attempts to use the configuration result in an authentication failure.
Here's an entry from dovecot.log when the failure happens:

Mar 31 16:04:12 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1
attempts in 5 secs): user=<j...@foo.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, secured, session=<n5/ajez1FgB/AAAB>

Did you try setting auth_verbose = yes ?

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