Am 08.04.2014 21:38, schrieb
> Zitat von Jakob Curdes <>:
>> Am 08.04.2014 19:00, schrieb John Rowe:
>>> Do we know if dovecot is vulnerable to the heartbleed SSL problem?
>>> I'm running dovecot-2.0.9 and openssl-1.01, the latter being
>>> intrinsically vulnerable. An on-line tool says that my machine is not
>>> affected on port 993 but it would be nice to know for sure if we were
>>> vulnerable for a while. (Naturally I've blocked it anyway!).
>> Usually all programs are linked dynamically to the library, so the 
>> vulnerability depends on the library only. If
>> you updated the library today and restarted the service (!!) then it is very 
>> likely that your mail installation
>> is not vulnerable any more. Otherwise it is very likely to be vulnerable, 
>> regardless what tests say.
>> JC
> Be aware that your private key might already have leaked without any notice. 
> So your best bet is to withdraw your
> certificates and renew all keys/certificates on the affected machines.

correct, that was my whole-day job from 10:00 AM to 16:00 PM for 10 certificates
followed by openvpn-keys, better safe than sorry
luckily some wildcard certs in the meantime instead a ton single ones

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