Am 25.04.2014 14:56, schrieb Christian Felsing:
> Apr 25 14:29:01 dovecot dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth
> attempts in 5 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, TLS,
> session=<3+1THN33NQBtWq5D>
> Dovecot wants an IMAP login, but Thunderbird does not so. I am not sure
> if that is a bug (or feature) of Dovecot or Thunderbird. Thunderbird
> does several strange things on client certificates:

that is the normal behavior if you force a auth-mech on the client
which the server don't announce - auth-mech and TLS certificicate
are completly different worlds

just configure thunderbird to use plain instead encrypted auth
which means CRAM-MD5 at the end of the day, by default dovecot
only offers PLAIN which is fine inside a TLS connection

you can only support CRAM-MD5 with passwords stored as plain-text

[root@testserver:~]$ doveconf -n | grep -i mech

[root@testserver:~]$ doveconf -d | grep -i mech
auth_mechanisms = plain

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