Le 8 mai 2014 à 11:59, Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth a écrit :

> [...]
> I am using a single server, mbox, local disks (/home and /var is XFS on
> HP SmartArray).
> I tried dovecot 2.2.7, 2.2.10 and 2.2.12. All of them produce tha same
> errors. ("Cached message size smaller than expected", sometimes followed
> by "read... Invalid argument".)
> 2.1.1 seems to only produce "Cached message size smaller than expected"
> without the read errors.
> Cheers,
> --leo
> [...]
> mbox_write_locks = fcntl
> [...]

Hello Alexander,

Your error messages seem to be related to the user's INBOX.
On the other hand, your config doesn't make appear lda nor lmtp (or I missed 
it, in which case, well... sorry).
Who puts the incoming messages into the mboxes?


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