* ^List-Id:.*users.lists.fedoraproject.org
| $DELIVER -m $DESTDIR/MLists/Fedora

You removed the '-d' parameter -- it may or may not work without it, but
you'll need it in a virtual user setup.  I'm not sure whether procmail
sets $USER by itself or it gets passed as an environment variable, so
if $USER is not working, use $LOGNAME, or better yet, just hardcode the
value if this is your own script.

Also, the -m parameter is the name of a mailbox, not a pathname, so I
think "MLists/Fedora" is what you want.

This is what I found in the procmail log:
lda: Fatal: destination user parameter (-d user) not given

Well, this error couldn't be more explicit, can it?

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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