On 06/07/2014 10:15 AM Thomas Leuxner wrote:
> Latest 2.2.13 HG feea8645c4d7 seems to unexpectedly kill imap-login sessions:
> Jun  7 11:56:10 nihlus dovecot: imap(t...@leuxner.net): Disconnected: Logged 
> out in=2203 out=851225
> Jun  7 11:56:10 nihlus dovecot: imap(t...@leuxner.net): Disconnected: Logged 
> out in=316 out=2417
> Jun  7 11:56:10 nihlus dovecot: imap-login: Fatal: master: 
> service(imap-login): child 60505 killed with signal 11 (core not dumped - add 
> -D parameter to service imap-login { executable }
> Jun  7 11:56:10 nihlus dovecot: imap-login: Fatal: master: 
> service(imap-login): child 60595 killed with signal 11 (core not dumped - add 
> -D parameter to service imap-login { executable }
> Adding the -D parameter does not generate a core dump however...

Hi Thomas,

either add "ulimit -c unlimited" to your init script
<http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.2/file/tip/doc/dovecot-initd.sh#l19> or
start Dovecot directly from your shell:

        ulimit -c unlimited
        dovecot [-c /path/2/dovecot.conf]

That should make Dovecot dumping core files.

The trapper recommends today: c01dcafe.1415...@localdomain.org

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