Am 11.06.2014 11:30, schrieb Koenraad Lelong:
> op 10-06-14 17:37, Koenraad Lelong schreef:
>> I looked at some messages on the server. Not trace of those List-lines.
>> I think I will get in touch with Watchguard to see if they remove those
>> lines.
> I subscribed to dovecot with a home-account. There I do have those RFC2919 
> lines.
> I also just "whitelisted" the dovecot-list on my Watchguard. I'll see if that 
> changes anything.
> But I also filed a "bug-report" with Watchguard concerning this. You would 
> think such a company should know better.

not uncommon, i saw anti-virus software mangle http traffic
by spit random bytes before the http headers leading to ask
the browser where to save the php-file

Cisco routers by default mangle DNS traffic, break zone transfers
or even put befor all CNAME blocks a $TTL 0 line never appeared
on the master until you disable DNS ALG for UDP and TCP

the bigger the company the more breakage

and that is why i said "you have crap on your side" what for whatever
reason you took as a personal attack leaded to lure all the trolls
out of their holes and react to a out-of-context quote

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