On Monday 25 August 2014 21:03:26 Per Jessen wrote:
> Lots of people must have had this issue before me - users using
> different devices&software (pc, smartphone, tablet, thunderbird,
> outlook, webmail) and languages (e.g. English on the PC, German on the
> iPhone), some folders end of with different names - e.g. "Sent"
> and "Gesendete Elemente" - meaning the same thing, namely "sent mails".
> How do you map these to just one folder such that it shows up correctly
> independently of what the user happens to be using?
> It sounds like something for the
> mailbox "Sent" {
>    special_use = \Drafts
> }
> config directive?  Is that what it might be used for?
> mailbox "Sent" {
>    special_use = \Sent
> }
> mailbox "Gesendete Elemente" {
>    special_use = \Sent
> }

I think metadata support can do the job (and more) . See Kolab project
Mihai Bădici

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