On 6.9.2014 22:38, Dan Langille wrote:
I encountered this error on FreeBSD 9.3 with dovecot2-2.2.13_3

Short version; vsz_limit is 18,447 PB and it ran out of RAM.  Suggestions for 

Sep  6 03:39:32 mailjail dovecot: imap(dan): Panic: file imap-fetch.c: line 556 
(imap_fetch_more): assertion failed: (ctx->client->output_cmd_lock == NULL || 
ctx->client->output_cmd_lock == cmd)
Sep  6 03:39:32 mailjail dovecot: imap(dan): Fatal: master: service(imap): 
child 71153 killed with signal 6 (core not dumped - set service imap { 
drop_priv_before_exec=yes })
Sep  6 03:59:41 mailjail dovecot: imap(dan): Fatal: 
pool_system_realloc(2097152): Out of memory
Sep  6 03:59:41 mailjail dovecot: imap(dan): Fatal: master: service(imap): 
child 67732 returned error 83 (Out of memory (service imap { vsz_limit=256 MB 
}, you may need to increase it) - set CORE_OUTOFMEM=1 environment to get core 

Check the message again - it says vsz_limit=256MB

Background: I’m in the only user on this system, but this server is accessed by 
my phone, my laptop, my tablet, and perhaps a web interface.

But there are some interesting values when I look at the output of doveconf.  
Specifically, vsz_limit is 18,447 PB… yeah, that’s pretty big.

service imap-login {
  vsz_limit = 18446744073709551615 B

According to your log it was process "imap" what ran out of memory. You are showing configuration for imap-login - they are not the same thing, see http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Design/Processes

Not sure if this behaviour is a bug or something that is to be expected when you run out of VSZ limit in imap process - that needs to be answered by someone more knowledgeable

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