Am 10.09.2014 um 06:22 schrieb Trent Lloyd <>:

> I had a much more exciting experience with Outlook for Mac (which is much 
> worse…)
> Changed from Dovecot 0.9 to 2.2 but changed the folder separator from . to \, 
> so that I could have shared folders with dots in the username.
> When you do this, it starts creating a new mailbox every time it connects 
> every minute, called like Trash 1, Trash 1 1, Trash 1 1 1, Trash 1 1 1.. I 
> got up to about 40+ appended folder names. It also does this with INBOX, 
> Sent, etc.
> It won’t ever stop doing this, and even if you change the folder separator 
> back it still keeps doing it.  Only way to fix is to change the server name 
> which causes it to purge the entire local cache and start over (basically a 
> quick delete/re-add).
> My other favourite issue with Outlook for Mac was it eating messages, they’d 
> come in, and disappear.  Spam filtering was off, no rules setup, they just 
> disappeared, and got deleted from the server.  Eish.
I am observing something similar; If I use my router ( to send 
incoming fax by mail
to a given account on my server, the mail appears and instantly vanishes.
I then used a different mail account (completely different server/domain etc.) 
and the mail stays;
and then again, forwarding it a mail address of the domain where this weird 
behavior was seen,
the mail also arrives and disappears.
This issue roughly dates back to the beginning of this year; had no time to 
investigate yet...

> Trent
> On 10 Sep 2014, at 12:15 pm, Trent Lloyd <> wrote:
>> I have had this problem a lot on my old Dovecot 0.9 system.. it seems to be 
>> OK on 2.2 however.
>> It’s really noticeable when interacting with another Apple map system.
>> One key thing is the Outlook by default doesn’t immediately purge your 
>> deleted items.  It lags on that a bit. There are settings to change that.
>> Trent
>> On 10 Sep 2014, at 8:51 am, Bob Miller <> wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick,
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> I have no idea what your doing to cause this issue :(
>>>> I have a normal install of dovecot running, and I have 3 webmail pages  
>>>> open, 2 phones using imap, and a thunderbird connected to it. I  
>>>> started with outlook 2007, then 2010, and now 2013 for the last 2  
>>>> years or 3years (I upgraded to it in beta at first). I haven't had any  
>>>> issues at all, I can delete emails, move emails, ..., and they  
>>>> instantly change in the other programs.
>>> I have several accounts that are used by a variety of different programs
>>> and devices, as well, but the only program that gives me any problem is
>>> outlook 2013.  And not quite consistently, on some few machines I have
>>> seen it work the same as any other client.  This one particular case has
>>> me quite baffled though.
>>>> I just use the normal outlook2013 config options for the account,  
>>>> besides making sure the ssl settings are right.
>>>> I think I have only used it on the 2.2 branch though, what dovecot  
>>>> version are you using?
>>> # dovecot --version
>>> 2.2.13
>>> sigh.  At least now I know it should be working, so I will keep
>>> searching fior a solution...

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