Am 22.09.2014 um 23:38 schrieb Henry Stack:
> Am 22.09.2014 um 22:19 schrieb Henry Stack:
>>/ I have a postfix mail server with sql authentication and I want to 
>>implement sieve on it.
> />/ 
> />/ Sieve is working relative good, rules who contain 'fileinto' are executed 
> perfectly.
> />/ The problem is the redirect to other servers.
> />/ I configured a rule in Sieve to redirect any email containing "redirect" 
> in subject to a specified foreign
> />/ destination. #
> />/ So practically a email coming from sender at 
> <> for the local user 
> testuser at <> 
> should be redirected to
> />/ destination at 
> <> when the subject 
> contains "redirect"
> />/ 
> />/    if header :contains ["subject"] ["redirect"] {redirect
> />/    "destination at 
> <>"; stop;}
> />/ 
> />/ when I test it I get the following log entry
> />/ 
> />/    /postfix/smtpd[32114]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> />/[xx.xx.xx.xx]: 554 5.7.1 <destination at 
> <>>:
> />/    Relay access denied; from=<sender at 
> <>>
> />/    to=<destination at 
> <>> proto=ESMTP 
> helo=<>
> /
> * you have "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128"
> * you masked the IP so likely it's not
> * just use your local MTA or add the machine to "mynetworks"
> Thanks for the hint.
> I tried it, I added the IP to mynetworks and it is still not working, still  
> *Relay access denied;*

you need to provide more informations about your setup and if possible
avoid mask IP addresses - where does the smtpd live, where is dovecot
and how did you configure the relay at all

what postfix version?

in case of a recent version -> smtpd_relay_restrictions is configured?

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