Hello, I tried to activate SSL on LMTP service, to secure connections between Postfix and Dovecot on my LAN, but Dovecot is not negociating a TLS session with Postfix. If I enforce TLS for LMTP at Postfix's side, communication between Postfix and Dovecot is not working.
I put ssl = yes ssl_cert = </dovecot/ssl/ssl-LMTP.pem ssl_key = </dovecot/ssl/ssl-LMTP.key in section protocol LMTP within 20-lmtp.conf and service lmtp { inet_listener lmtp { name = dovecot_lmtp address = xx.xx.xx.xx port = 26 ssl = yes } process_min_avail = 5 } within 10-master.conf Did I miss something ? Thank you for your help. Regards, Stan