
I have an existing (Open)LDAP which I'm using with dovecot and I would
like to implement quotas. I have global quotas working, but I would like
per user quotas similar to what is described in the wiki
(http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Quota/Configuration#LDAP) My problem is that
there is no obvious attribute in the schemas shipped in the RHEL/Centos
6 to hold the quota string.

Is it possible to get User database extra fields from an external
source? e.g. flat file or MySQL table. I would like to pull everything
else from LDAP but just fill out quota_rule from a different source.

I realize I could expand my LDAP but I'm wary of just importing some
random schema. I've had mixed results doing that in the past (the qmail
schema (http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/qmail.html) was
incompatible with my existing structure, and at the moment I'm using a
hacked version of the linux quota project's LDAP schema
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxquota/) - I'd rather have
something a bit more official). If there is a recommended schema that
you guys use which is stable and works well I would like to give that a


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