Thank you very much for your detailed explaination!

>----Messaggio originale----
>Data: 03/12/2014 8.13
>A: <>
>Ogg: Re: R: Re: best file system ?
>El 02/12/14 a las 16:38, escribió:
>> Hi Angel,
>> can you please share your dovecot configuration?
>       I have attached our doveconf -n output. We have two imap servers (with 
>the same configuration) and two more acting as proxy (with director) in 
>front of them. These last direct user request to their corresponding server.
>       For storage we are using our SAN (a HP 3PAR 7400) connecting to it with 
>fibre channel. We have two XFS filesystems. One for mail indexes and the 
>other for user mailboxes and attachment files.
>       In these servers we are running ubuntu 12.04 with kernel 3.4.0.
>> What webmail are you using (if any)?
>       We are using horde.
>Angel L. Mateo Martínez
>Sección de Telemática
>Área de Tecnologías de la Información
>y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
>Tfo: 868887590
>Fax: 868888337

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