I recently updated dovecot and my sieve filters stopped working.  Checking the 
logs I see:

Dec  9 00:09:59 mailhost dovecot: lda(ges...@domain.com): Error: sieve: binary 
save: failed to create temporary file: 
failed: Permission denied (euid=5000(vmail) egid=5000(vmail) missing +w perm: 
/usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve, we're not in group 6(mail), dir owned by 143:6 

Dec  9 00:09:59 mailhost dovecot: lda(ges...@domain.com): Error: sieve: The LDA 
Sieve plugin does not have permission to save global Sieve script binaries; 
global Sieve scripts like `/usr/local/etc/dovecot/sieve/10-move-spam.sieve' 
need to be pre-compiled using the sievec tool

However this fairly clear advice on the failure seems to be contradicted by:

 # id vmail
uid=5000(vmail) gid=5000(vmail) groups=5000(vmail),6(mail)


dovecot-pigeonhole-0.4.6           =   up-to-date with index
dovecot2-2.2.15_1                  =   up-to-date with index

uname -a
FreeBSD host.domain.com 9.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE #0 r268932: Mon Jul 21 
15:51:38 PDT 2014     
ges...@host1.domain.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BARCELONA-13-08  amd64

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