On 12/29/2014 9:24 PM, Peter Mogensen wrote:
> On 2014-12-29 20:45, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>> For creating a special use mailbox there is the CREATE-SPECIAL-USE
>> capability (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6154, Section 3). As you
>> suggested, the special use attributes can also be changed using the
>> METADATA capability (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6154, Section 4).
>> Unfortunately, both of these features are not yet supported by Dovecot.
> They are also basically two sides of the same feature.
> For Dovecot to support CREATE-SPECIAL-USE it has to store that state
> somewhere anyway... and that would probably be in a METADATA dict.

Something like that, yes.

>> I think it is already possible to return special use attributes from
>> userdb, although I haven't verified that.
> Neither have I, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. That would
> probably be the easiest way to support per-user SPECIAL-USE (which I
> think makes more sense than a global hardwired setting).

Yes, although that doesn't mean that users can modify the special-use
attributes themselves, unless some sort of web management interface has
a dialog for that. The METADATA/CREATE-SPECIAL-USE capabilities would
provide a standard means for a user to do this, from within the MUA.

> But to make it really useful, it would require Sieve support. Like:
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/sieve/current/msg05171.html

Right. Maybe I should give this another look.



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