On 15/01/15 11:17, David Davidov wrote:

I am searching for a way to execute doveadm command against mailbox
containing a special wildcard character in its name. For example:

# doveadm expunge -u 'me?@example.com' mailbox 'INBOX.Junk Mail'

The result is:
doveadm(root): Error: User listing returned failure
doveadm: Error: Failed to iterate through some users

with exit code 75

In the mail log:
dovecot: auth: Error: Trying to iterate users, but userdbs don't support it

To be clear: the question mark is a part of the mailbox's name. Not an
attempt to use it as wildcard.

Is there a way
   1. To quote the special characters
   2. To disable wildcard matcing in the -u parameter


I'm struggling with the same problem. Is there a way to escape wildcard characters or dovecot must be patched?

Best regards,

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