On 03/01/2015 08:53 AM, Jim Pazarena wrote:
> I wonder if there is an easy way to provide dovecot a flat text file of
> ipv4 #'s which should be ignored or dropped?
> I have accumulated 45,000+ IPs which routinely try dictionary and
> 12345678 password attempts. The file is too big to create firewall
> drops [...]

The inherent assumption here is that dovecot, using a "flat file", will
be able to process the block list more effectively than the firewall,
which is a tool written for the *purpose* but supposedly unable to even
*try* due to the list's size. That sounds ... counterintuitive.

To clarify, the governing influence on performance of *most* firewalls
is the average number of rules a packet has to be matched against, and
the two main tools to help with that are (if I may use iptables lingo
here) a) --state ESTABLISHED to get everything but the
connection-initiating packets out of the way ASAP and b) branching
tree-like into dedicated-purpose subchains, rather than building linear
lists. Assuming that the IPs to be blocked are randomly distributed,
I'ld try something along the following lines:

[main chain]
-p tcp --dport pop3 -j dove-blocks
-p tcp --dport imap -j dove-blocks

[subchain dove-blocks]
-d -j sub-1
-d -j sub-2
-d -j sub-254

[subchain sub-1]
-d -j sub-1-2        # We've seen and

[subchain sub-1-2]
-d -j DROP
-d -j DROP

                                                                J. Bern
*NEU* - NEC IT-Infrastruktur-Produkte im <http://www.linworks-shop.de/>:
Server--Storage--Virtualisierung--Management SW--Passion for Performance
Jochen Bern, Systemingenieur --- LINworks GmbH <http://www.LINworks.de/>
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