Hello Everyone,

I'm running the antispam plugin on Dovecot 2.0.19 on Ubuntu Server 14.04
and I can't seem to get it to work. In the IMAP section of dovecot.conf
I have the following lines:

protocol imap {
    mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_quota imap_acl antispam
#    mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_quota imap_acl
    imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep

    # Maximum number of IMAP connections allowed for a user from each IP
    # NOTE: The username is compared case-sensitively.
    # Default is 10.
    # Increase it to avoid issue like below:
    # "Maximum number of concurrent IMAP connections exceeded"
    mail_max_userip_connections = 20

plugin {
  antispam_debug_target = syslog
  antispam_verbose_debug = 1

  antispam_backend = pipe
  antispam_trash = Trash
  antispam_spam = Junk
  antispam_pipe_program_spam_arg = --spam
  antispam_pipe_program_notspam_arg = --ham
  antispam_pipe_program = /usr/bin/sa-learn
  antispam_pipe_program_args = --username=%Lu

For some reason, when I try to move something to Junk, I get the
following in my syslog:

Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: plugin initialising (2.0-notgit)
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: verbose debug enabled
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: "Junk" is exact match spam folder
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: no unsure folders
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: "Trash" is exact match trash
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: pipe backend spam argument =
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: pipe backend not-spam argument
= --ham
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: pipe backend program =
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: pipe backend program arg[0] =
Mar 31 18:27:16 anonymail imap: antispam: pipe backend tmpdir /tmp
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_unsure(Junk): 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_trash(INBOX): 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_trash(Junk): 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mail copy: from trash: 0, to
trash: 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_spam(INBOX): 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_spam(Junk): 1
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mailbox_is_unsure(INBOX): 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: mail copy: src spam: 0, dst
spam: 1, src unsure: 0
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend
program /usr/bin/sa-learn
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend
program /usr/bin/sa-learn
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend
program parameter 1 --username=anth...@cajuntechie.org
Mar 31 18:27:19 anonymail imap: antispam: running mailtrain backend
program parameter 2 --spam
Mar 31 18:27:21 anonymail imap: antispam: run program failed with exit
code -1

This is probably a permissions issue but I'm not able to debug it. Can
anyone offer me any clues as to what I might be doing wrong or how I
might fix it?


Anthony Papillion

Phone:       1.918.631.7331
VoIP (SIP):  1259...@localphone.com
XMPP Chat:   cyp...@chat.cpunk.us
Fingerprint: 65EF73EC 8B57F6B1 8C475BD4 426088AC FE21B251
PGP Key:     http://www.cajuntechie.org/p/my-pgp-key.html

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