Hello Stephan,

this works great. Thanks a lot.


Am 28.10.2015 um 17:34 schrieb Stephan Bosch:
Op 10/28/2015 om 3:56 PM schreef Hajo Locke:

still trying to move from procmail to sieve, but there are new problems.

Currently we use procmail for autoresponder and let user choose
timerange, in which responder should work. May be you set up today
your responder for 2 weeks in future where responder start and stop
automatically without further manuell intervention.
In procmail this is done by simple scripting and comparison of
timestamps. How to do this in sieve?
You need to use the currentdate test, as provided by the date extension
(http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5260). A useful example is here:


2nd questions concerns to used From-Address in responding mail.
Header of a sieve-responder shows a minimal From-Address:
From: <adr...@example.com>
But our Users want to add a custom name which is displayed at
recipient of responder:
From: John Doe <adr...@example.com>
In procmail this is easy with formail, how to do this in sieve?
Both features we implemented because people asked about it. I should
find a way to recreate this in sieve.
Use the ":from" argument of the vacation command. This can also contain
the name (phrase) part of the email address:

require "vacation";

vacation :from "Stephan Bosch <step...@example.org>" "I am on off-world.";



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