Thanks all,

found a config file with the adjusted sieve_max_redirects which was
saved during an update.

        Regards . Götz
Am 25.11.15 um 15:32 schrieb Urban Loesch:
> Hi,
> to how many addresses do you redirect the incoming mails?
> Could it be that you hit the "sieve_max_redirects = n" configuration 
> parameter?
> Regards
> Urban
> Am 25.11.2015 um 15:05 schrieb Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator:
>> Hi,
>> we have dovecot-ee- and pigeonhole/managesieve 0.4.8 running for
>> some time.
>> Today some users informed us that they did not get mails from one
>> project account forwarded to there personal accounts any more.
>> This worked till one week ago and I cant think of any changes we made...
>> The project account keeps a copy of received mails.
>> I tried two different accounts to configure forwarding to internal and
>> external mail addresses which is working.
>> Question: Any hint or idea? How may I debug sieve forwarding?
>>      Thanks and regards . Götz

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