figured out my issue

I changed:
protocol imap {
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota imap_zlib

to this:
protocol imap {
  mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_quota imap_zlib

No longer getting the error after migration with zlib enabled.. could there
be any kind of better warning or error handling around this? (if this is
the actual issue)

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 2:25 PM Leon Kyneur <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm migrating some mailboxes from an old dovecot system where mailboxes
> are stored maildir uncompressed. I enabled zlib on the new system and
> migrated an account:
> doveadm -o mail_fsync=never backup -R -u tonyg imapc:
> when the account connects to the new system after a while i'm seeing the
> following error and the mailbox is no longer functioning:
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error:
> read(/srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/storage/m.1): FETCH BODY[] for mailbox
> INBOX UID 61 got too little data: 4106341 vs 6054268
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error:
> unlink(/srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/mailboxes/INBOX/dbox-Mails/dovecot.index.cache)
> failed: No such file or directory (in mail-cache.c:28)
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error: Corrupted index cache
> file
> /srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/mailboxes/INBOX/dbox-Mails/dovecot.index.cache:
> Broken virtual size for mail UID 61
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): FETCH failed in=181 out=4109653
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: auth-worker(6130): ldap(tonyg,
> unknown user
> Jan 15 13:58:06 S611 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<tonyg>,
> method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=6746, secured,
> session=<7qqWklYpnGjLhgHK>
> Jan 15 13:58:07 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error:
> read(/srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/storage/m.1): FETCH BODY[] for mailbox
> INBOX UID 61 got too little data: 4106341 vs 6054268
> Jan 15 13:58:07 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error:
> unlink(/srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/mailboxes/INBOX/dbox-Mails/dovecot.index.cache)
> failed: No such file or directory (in mail-cache.c:28)
> Jan 15 13:58:07 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): Error: Corrupted index cache
> file
> /srv/vmail/532868/tonyg/mdbox/mailboxes/INBOX/dbox-Mails/dovecot.index.cache:
> Broken virtual size for mail UID 61
> Jan 15 13:58:07 S611 dovecot: imap(tonyg): FETCH failed in=181 out=4109653
> If i migrate the account without zlib everthing works fine and the error
> can't be reproduced.
> I have tried force-resync and index commands to no avail.
> Any ideas what's going on here?
> doveconf -n:
> [root@S611 532868]# doveconf -n
> # 2.2.21 (5345f22): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
> # Pigeonhole version 0.4.11 (6ddf62b87f60+)
> # OS: Linux 3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64 x86_64 CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511
> (Core)
> auth_debug = yes
> auth_verbose = yes
> imapc_features = rfc822.size fetch-headers
> imapc_host = removed
> imapc_master_user = removed
> imapc_password =  # hidden, use -P to show it
> imapc_user = %u
> lmtp_proxy = yes
> login_trusted_networks =
> mail_debug = yes
> mail_gid = vmail
> mail_location = mdbox:%h/mdbox:ALT=/altstorage%h/mdbox
> mail_plugins = quota zlib
> mail_prefetch_count = 50
> mail_uid = vmail
> managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
> managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character
> vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags
> copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date
>  index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart
> mdbox_rotate_size = 10 M
> namespace inbox {
>   inbox = yes
>   location =
>   mailbox "Deleted Messages" {
>     special_use = \Trash
>   }
>   mailbox Drafts {
>     special_use = \Drafts
>   }
>   mailbox Junk {
>     special_use = \Junk
>   }
>   mailbox Sent {
>     special_use = \Sent
>   }
>   mailbox "Sent Messages" {
>     special_use = \Sent
>   }
>   mailbox Trash {
>     special_use = \Trash
>   }
>   mailbox Drafts {
>     special_use = \Drafts
>   }
>   mailbox Junk {
>     special_use = \Junk
>   }
>   mailbox Sent {
>     special_use = \Sent
>   }
>   mailbox "Sent Messages" {
>     special_use = \Sent
>   }
>   mailbox Trash {
>     special_use = \Trash
>   }
>   prefix =
> }
> passdb {
>   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
>   driver = ldap
> }
> passdb {
>   args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-m2core.conf.ext
>   driver = ldap
> }
> plugin {
>   quota = dict:User quota::file:%h/dovecot-quota
>   sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve
>   zlib_save = gz
>   zlib_save_level = 6
> }
> pop3c_host = <removed>
> pop3c_password =  # hidden, use -P to show it
> service lmtp {
>   inet_listener lmtp {
>     address = <removed>
>     port = 24
>   }
> }
> ssl_cert = </etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem
> ssl_key = </etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem
> verbose_proctitle = yes
> protocol imap {
>   mail_plugins = quota imap_quota imap_zlib
> }

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