On 1/17/2016 1:24 PM, Brad wrote:
> Hi All,
> Have a CentOS 7, dovecot and postfix setup.
> Can get mail via 995 SSL/TLS
> Can send mail to virtual users and auto creation works using
> /etc/dovecot/passwd file via mail command.
> Using the dovecot lmtp and can login via 465 but the user lookup
> fails via postfix.
> in postfix main.cf have virtual_transport =
> lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp
> in dovecot.log I am seeing no errors
> in dovecot-info.log no errors either
> in maillog I am seeing:
> postfix/smtps/smtpd warning hash:/etc/postfix/virtual is
> unavailable open database /etc/postfix/virtual.db No such file.

This is (likely) the virtual_alias_maps rewrite map, definitely not
the virtual delivery process.
Find where you've defined a virtual map with
# postconf | grep virtual

and remove the offending bogus definition.

  -- Noel Jones

> Note: I did go through creating the virtual.db and associated
> files but figured that it cant be correct as I want lmtp to handle
> it and it didn't work anyways, so I removed it.
> NOQUEUE reject RCPT from unknown[x.x.x.x] 451 4.3.0 <user@domain>
> Temporary lookup failure from=<user@domain> to=<user@domain>
> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost.localdomain> -- obfuscated
> Tried every article I could find on the Internet to resolve this
> with out much luck.
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated or if you need specific
> config details just let me know.
> Thanks,
> Brad

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