On 2016-02-18 15:21, Hugh Bragg wrote:
Thanks, this helped.
I added namespace virtual and removed the virtual references from inbox
namespace and added list = yes so now I can see shared folder in the client.
There's still nothing in there though.

I followed Christian's advice, debug shows this very strange behaviour.
doveadm acl debug -u us...@domain1.com.au shared.us...@domain2.com.au
doveadm(us...@domain1.com.au): Error: Mailbox 'com.au' in namespace
'shared.user2@domain2.' doesn't exist in
There are no errors in the log.
You will probably run into problems with your unsernames containing "." and have the separator set to ".".

Take a look at this (very) old thread from the mailinglist, that's the same problem

And as mentioned by Timo here http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2011-January/056149.html
In any case having '.' both in usernames and as hierarchy separator just
isn't going to work.

I switched from system users to virtual users with my last server migration and changed separator from "." to "/" just because of this.

It could be that auth_username_translation can help. Look in 10-auth.conf for an explanation for that setting. I haven't tested it though.

This looks like a bug. I was seeing this before I got the shared folder
working when I saw dovecot had created these extra folders and added
dovecot-acl-list file there.
I suppose if I'd used the / separator, this would work fine, but there
was nothing about this on the wiki so I didn't expect this.

You could also use "/" as separator for the shared namespace and the "." for the other namespaces. As it's not working anyway there should be no problems with your MUAs.

 Christian Kivalo

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