On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Would it work if you had a single .pem file containing both certs and a
> single file containing both keys?

OK, just tried this configuration but only the first certificate is

I used this order : rsa cert, ecdsa cert, intermediate
and this one : rsa cert, intermediate, ecdsa cert, intermediate

in this case, both rsa and ec are signed by the same intermediate.

> > In apache we have to duplicate the cert / key lines one for rsa, one for
> > edcda.
> >
> > In postfix, we have some specific ecdsa conf keys.
> >
> > So is there a way to do the same in dovecot ?
> Looks like from OpenSSL code point of view the same cert/key loading
> functions can simply be called multiple times. There's currently no way to
> trigger that in Dovecot. But maybe the single .pem file would happen to
> work as well? If not, this would need some config changes and I'm not sure
> what would be the nicest way..

Perhaps the same way as postfix, to have a  ssl_ecdsa_cert and a
ssl_ecsda_key parameters ?
Anyway, this is not urgent matters, it's just that now that let's encrypt
give free rsa and ec certificates i wanted to use them both :)

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