On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 04:22:44 +1100
Andrew McGlashan <andrew.mcglas...@affinityvision.com.au> wrote:

> On 6/03/2016 8:16 PM, aki.tu...@dovecot.fi wrote:
> > Stephan, for Jessie you should compile with systemd support enabled
> > and leave the init.d link out completely. You can enable the
> > ProtectFull=yes in the systemd file.  
> Many of us Debian users hate the fact that systemd even exists.....
> for now we can run servers without systemd, but who knows in a few
> years or a couple of releases.
> systemd is a cancer, that's been said before and it will be long time,
> if ever, before it is not said regularly.
> Cheers
> A.

Hi Andrew,

See this thread:


The systemd dependencies are pretty much just cosmetic: Inclusion of a
unit file, and (maybe) that special way of reporting back to systemd
when the daemon is listening and fully functional, which AFAIK doesn't
affect Dovecot's functionality when used in a sans-systemd environment.
Much as I like Dovecot, I'll blow it off my machine in a microsecond if
it ever stops functioning in the absence of systemd, and from the
thread I mentioned, I doubt that will ever happen.

One other thing: Later in this thread it's suggested that a distro
(Debian) remove Dovecot's sysvinit init script. Although this sounds
like a showstopper, it's really an opportunity. You can simply respawn
Runit (or daemontools-encore or S6 or any other daemontools-inspired
process supervisor) from /etc/inittab, and start Dovecot from there.
The following is my huge, immense Runit run script for Dovecot:

install -d -m 0755 -o root -g root /var/run/dovecot
exec dovecot -F

So even though Debian might eliminate the init script, there's a very
nice way forward, and once you get Runit running, you can begin slowly
switching all your massive sysvinit init scripts with 5 line Runit run

And of course, you could switch to Devuan. Or do what I do: Run Void
Linux, which ships with Runit actually performing PID1 init duties as
well as process supervision.

Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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