On 14/03/2016 09:59, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:
On Mon, 14 Mar 2016 09:32:42 +1000
Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> wrote:

On 13/03/2016 20:47, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 09:45:06 +0000
> James <li...@xdrv.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 11/03/2016 15:17, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:
>>  > zfs set sync=disabled ?
>> Only if you are happy to loose data on power failure.
> I don't know the actual setup, but if you have no UPC you shouldn't
> host email
> services anyway.

I'm guessing you meant UPS, anyway, a UPS wont protect you from human

Also, most buildings, at least in this country, have a fire emergency
shutoff requirement, meaning mains is isolated from the building, and
the back up gennies are also forbidden to be engaged - UPS's dont last

Guys, please don't argue on kindergarten level. The UPS is for backing a sudden death, but not for running five days. Of course you can do a controlled shutdown if battery level falls below a trigger value. And this is about all you need: control. There is no fs error as long as you perform a regular

and you've never seen these cause problems with FS? then you must be a newbie, in over 25 years I've seen it happen several times - yes even after an apparent controlled shutdown.

shutdown. If UPS-backup is forbidden in your country then I suggest moving to
civilized regions of the planet ;-)

Now whos on kindergarten level, do you really want fireman pouring water on fire on a level of a building thats powered up because some lamer has a generator running? really? I'm sure those firemen would gladly hand YOU the hose, the best UPS systems runtime we've seen under average load for a large ISP data centre is 21 mins, usually ample time to allow the generators to start up, come to full power, and switch in taking over the load, but thats not going to help during a building fire, once their depleted, their depleted.

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