On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 07:06:39AM +0000, Andre Rodier wrote:
> Sorry if I am off topic a little.

It's not that bad, as you say, only a little off topic. :)

> I am looking for an email host provider that supports dovecot, 
> sieve and manage sieve. Ideally with the roundcube webmail and 
> managesieve plugin

I can't suggest any provider, sorry, but I want to point out that if 
your provider gives you the described tools on the server, you can 
easily set up your own webmail clients.  If you can use a MUA like 
Thunderbird, you can also use your own webmail.

If the goal is to outsource all server functionality this suggestion 
obviously won't be useful, but I know I have seen a lot of companies 
who lack email expertise on staff, yet they run many HTTP servers 
with advanced features.

> Better if it is in Europe or switzerland. I don't mind paying a 
> little.
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