On 10.06.2016 10:09, Urban Loesch wrote:
> Hi,
> same here on my installation. Version: Enterprise Edition: 2:
Any chance to get some example input triggering this. Perhaps using one of the 
obfuscation scripts in http://dovecot.org/tools/

Teemu Huovila

> Some logs:
> ...
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
> /home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: 
> Broken MIME parts for mail UID 11678 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts 
> don't match message during parsing: Cached header size mismatch 
> (parts=410000009f0d000000000000d90d000000000000d52f00000000000002310000000000000200000048000000e40d0000000000005c000000000000005e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048000000580e0000000000005c000000000000005f00000000000000a52e000000000000c52f00000000000020010000)
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
> /home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: 
> Broken MIME parts for mail UID 11694 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts 
> don't match message during parsing: Cached header size mismatch 
> (parts=41000000bb0d000000000000f50d000000000000e4f2000000000000a9f80000000000000200000048000000000e0000000000005c000000000000005e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000048000000740e0000000000005c000000000000005f00000000000000b4f10000000000006cf7000000000000b8050000)
> Got also this errors:
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: 
> unlink(/home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache)
>  failed: No such file or directory (in mail-cache.c:28)
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
> /home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: 
> Broken MIME parts for mail UID 11742 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts 
> don't match message during parsing: Cached header size mismatch (parts=)
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: 
> unlink(/home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache)
>  failed: No such file or directory (in mail-cache.c:28)
> Jun  5 07:40:01 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
> /home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: 
> Broken MIME parts for mail UID 11752 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts 
> don't match message during parsing: Cached header size mismatch (parts=)
> Jun  5 07:40:02 dovecot-server dovecot: imap(u...@domain.com pid:27937 
> session:<M/uOYoE0/BMFqUAL>): Error: 
> unlink(/home/dovecotindex/domain.com/user/mailboxes/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache)
>  failed: No such file or directory (in mail-cache.c:28)
> ...
> Thanks
> Urban
> Am 09.06.2016 um 16:06 schrieb Dave:
>> On 02/06/2016 22:58, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>>> On 01 Jun 2016, at 16:48, Alessio Cecchi <ales...@skye.it> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> after the last upgrade to Dovecot (d066a24) I see an increased 
>>>> number of errors "Broken MIME parts" for users in dovecot log file, here an
>>>> example:
>>>> Jun 01 15:25:29 Error: imap(alessio.cec...@skye.it): Corrupted index cache 
>>>> file /home/domains/skye.it/alessio.cecchi/Maildir/dovecot.index.cache:
>>>> Broken MIME parts for mail UID 34 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts 
>>>> don't match message during parsing: Cached header size mismatch
>>>> (parts=410000005b070000000000007b07000000000000fc0a000000000000400b0000000000000300000048000000800700000000000060000000000000006400000000000000200000000000000021000000000000000100000040000000260800000000000027000000000000002900000000000000ea00000000000000f000000000000000440000005d090000000000001e000000000000002000000000000000b308000000000000e0080000000000002d00000001000000410000007b09000000000000b208000000000000de080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
>>> ..
>>>> but the error reappears always (for the same UID) when I do "search" from 
>>>> webmail. All works fine for the users but I don't think is good to have
>>>> these errors in log file.
>>> If it's reproducible for a specific email, can you send me the email?
>> I'm replying to this again for a couple of reasons:
>> 1. I've not heard any further discussion and I accidentally replied to the 
>> wrong thread initially (oops!)
>> 2. It's actually looking to become a fairly serious issue (extra 100Mb/s of 
>> network traffic, extra 10K NFS ops/sec)
>> I've been seeing the same problem after upgrading from 2.2.18 to 2.2.24 with 
>> identical config. Reads from mailboxes have doubled, which looks
>> consistent with repeated index rebuilds. It's not got any better over time, 
>> so the indexes aren't managing to self-heal (over 1300 of these errors
>> today so far, for example).
>> [2016-06-09T09:50:30+0100] imap(xxxx): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
>> /mnt/index/c69/923413/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: Broken MIME parts for mail
>> UID 74359 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts don't match message during 
>> parsing: Cached header size mismatch
>> (parts=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
> 00000000
> 0
> 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
>> [2016-06-09T10:05:32+0100] imap(xxxx): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
>> /mnt/index/498/1603514/.INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: Broken MIME parts for mail
>> UID 810 in mailbox INBOX: Cached MIME parts don't match message during 
>> parsing: Cached header size mismatch
>> (parts=41000000dc02000000000000ef02000000000000e8060000000000001c070000000000000300000048000000fc020000000000005b000000000000005f0000000000000098000000000000009b0000000000000003000000400000001004000000000000270000000000000029000000000000000a0100000000000011010000000000004400000062050000000000001e00000000000000200000000000000020040000000000003a040000000000001a000000010000004100000080050000000000001f0400000000000038040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
>> Again, usual force-resync of the index or deletion and recreation don't 
>> help, the same indexes keep corrupting based on certain messages.
>> Checking one of the triggering emails, maildir tags for size and virtual 
>> size are correct, contains a 6 part multipart/mixed with the first part being
>> itself a 2 part multipart/alternative, both have different boundary ids 
>> (unfortunately I still cannot release the email itself, I'm hoping the error
>> will trigger on some that I can release, none so far)

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